The Pregnancy & Wellness Centre of Moncton provides whole person care to meet the needs of our clients. All services are free, optional, and client led. We provide trauma informed care in a safe environment for everyone, regargless of age, gender, orientation, race, income, religious affiliation or circumstance.
Programs that we offer:
Prenatal & Parenting Education: These sessions are held one on one. One hour appointments may be scheduled for the topics of your choice.
We offer over 70 various educational topics. Our educational classes include but are not limited to the following:
Pregnancy Loss Support: Support to help a person who has expereinced pregnancy loss from miscarriage, stillbirth or a newborn death.
Post-Abortion Support "Living in Color" - An eight week program for those clietns who are seeking support following termination of a pregnancy.
Adoption Support - For those having placed children for adoption.
Healthy Sexuality - Our nurse offers education and discussion regarding healthy sexuality.
Mom's & Babe's used Clothing Room - Children's clothing up to size 4T, Women's clothing, Maternity clothes, books, toys and limited household items. All items are donated and are second hand.
Visit us at 27 John Street to learn more about these services and register.
All our services are free and confidential.
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